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uComply Limited

Contact: Stefan Sosnowski
Work uComply Limited Orion House Bessemer Road Hertfordshire Welwyn Garden City United Kingdom Work Phone: 01707800840 Website: uComply Limited


Photo of uComply Limited

Are you at risk? – Illegal immigration and identity fraud are rife these days and spotting forged documentation can be incredibly difficult. With over 200 countries and thousands of documents in circulation can you be certain that your checks are effective? Are visual checks enough? Are your personnel up to date with the current guidance?
As a result if you get it wrong the implications are very serious risking your brands reputation and fines of up to £20,000 per illegal worker and or prison sentences. Would you like to remove that risk?

We provide our clients with a simplified immigration compliance for Right to Work solution. It’s the most comprehensive solution to authenticate identity documents and as it’s also fully compliant with Home Office guidance you know you have protection. We use technology to support and unify the process across your Company.

With the ever increasing burden on immigration control and resulting penalties for getting it wrong our objective is to give employers the comfort in the knowledge that with our solutions in place they can sleep easy.